Dear Jack


Active LifeList Participant

My name is Edgard and I’m 26. My symptoms began on October 22nd of 2023 with double vision. How could anyone have guessed where this would lead? In late January of this year, my wife and I rushed to the hospital at the urging of my family. An MRI showed that I had a tumor growing in my brain stem. I was quickly transferred to a different hospital and a biopsy was done. Soon the diagnosis came in as DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma). Radiation came shortly after with all the ups and downs that come with everything else in life. Now we are waiting on the next course of treatment. If I am accepted I will start CAR-T therapy. In the meantime, we’re focusing on physical therapy to recover my strength. Faith in God, family support, amazing doctors and nurses and too many others to mention have been critical to my recovery.

Edgard’s LifeList:

  1. Travel to CAR-T treatment

  2. Shout out from Craig Jones

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