Dear Jack


Active LifeList Participant

My cancer journey began in November of 2022 when I discovered a small lump in my breast while taking a shower. The moment I felt that lump, a wave of fear and uncertainty washed over me. I immediately sought medical attention and underwent an ultrasound. To my dismay, I was advised to monitor the lump for three long months before retesting. During that waiting period, anxiety gnawed at me as I juggled the responsibilities of motherhood, work, and the looming possibility of cancer. When the time finally came for the retest, we also decided to biopsy the lump for a clearer diagnosis. On March 21st, 2023, my life was forever changed when the biopsy results confirmed what I had feared: I had breast cancer. The subsequent months have been an arduous journey, one filled with countless doctor’s appointments, chemotherapy sessions, and the physical and emotional toll that cancer brings. There have been many “speed bumps” along the way, moments when I questioned my strength and resilience. Yet, through it all, I remain hopeful. With the unwavering support of my medical team and the grace of God, I know that I will overcome this challenge. It’s a surreal experience, as I never imagined that cancer would become a part of my life, especially at such a young age. My family’s history with breast cancer has cast a shadow, with the loss of a paternal aunt and the survival of another, but they faced this battle in their later years. Despite the odds, I am determined to emerge from this chapter as a survivor, ensuring that cancer will not define my story but rather serve as a testament to my strength and God’s power!

Alyson’s LifeList:

  1. Stay at Animal Kingdom Resort’s
  2. Savannah View Room
  3. Visit Kennedy Space Center

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