I was diagnosed for the first time back in 2020 with stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I was 23 at the time and I was scared and anxious. I did twelve rounds of chemotherapy and was in remission by February 2021. Three years later, in July of 2024, I was diagnosed with lymphoma again, but this time, it had infiltrated my bone marrow. My treatment this time around started with a combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy every three weeks. Unfortunately, that has been unsuccessful and the cancer ended up growing and has spread to other areas of my body. I tried applying to a clinical trial, but I was denied, so now the new treatment plan is an even more aggressive chemotherapy treatment that will require me to be hospitalized during the infusion. My second diagnosis has been even harder and scarier for both me and my family. I am trying my best to do all of this with my head held high and a smile on my face, but it has been very hard to do that.
Brandon’s LifeList:
Meet Beyonce
- Visit Disney World with his family